Beastie Ville Beginnings

As promised, here is the story of how Beastie Ville began:

So, one night, I decided that I wanted to make something for my boyfriend as a surprise. Since he loves foxes, I decided that a little stuffed fox seemed like the way to go. Great! So all I had to do was find a pattern, right? While this might not sound like a difficult task, it proved to be an impossible one. My many searches through the wonderful world of the internets proved fruitless and I got rather frustrated. Eventually I threw my hands up and declared (quite loudly, and possibly more colorfully than I'd like to admit) that I would make my own pattern! And so I did. This cute little guy was the result. (He's also in the header at the top of the blog, pictured with a raccoon.)

When I finished him, I was pretty pleased. He turned out better than I could have hoped! Proud of myself, I took pictures and shared them with a couple of my friends and some of my family. The response was very positive! With some coaxing and encouragement, I was convinced to try to make more little critters. A couple of people directed me over to Etsy with the suggestion of setting up shop, and Beastie Ville was born. Quite a happy accident! Now, a few months later, I'm slowly stumbling through the world of being a crafter peddling her wares. I expect there to be many trials to come, but I'm excited. So stay tuned! More to come.
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